[Updated: March 28, 2010]
In World War II, Serbian Chetniks collaborated with German Nazis and Italian fascists. In the photo below, you can see Adolf Hitler and Serbian Prince Paul of Yugoslavia aka Pavle Karadjordjevic. In 1943, Draza Mihailovic and his band of Serbian Nazi fascists committed genocide against the Bosniak population of eastern Bosnia. [Photo courtesy: the Canadian Institute for the Research of Genocide]:

Again, during the Bosnian War, Serbian Chetniks took part in numerous massacres against the unarmed Bosniak women and children. In a small area around Srebrenica, Serbian Chetniks slaughtered more than 1,000 Bosnian Muslim civilians, including women and children in 1992 - three years before the Srebrenica genocide. Examples of horrific massacres against the Bosnian Muslim civilians around Srebrenica in 1992 include the Zaklopaca massacre, Glogova massacre, Bratunac massacre, Suha massacre, and Visegrad live pyres (where Bosniak women and children were burned alive). In 1995, Serbian Chetniks participated in the slaughter of 8,000 and expulsion of 30,000 Bosniaks from Srebrenica. They "targeted for extinction the 40,000 Bosnian Muslims living in Srebrenica" according to the appellate judgment of Radislav Krstic, a direct perpetrator of the Srebrenica genocide.
After the war, Bosnia has experienced a resurrection of Serbian neo-fascism, especially around Srebrenica. Serbian Chetniks, inspired by their ideological icon - Nazi collaborator Draza Mihailovic - continue to provide fertile ground for a new conflict. During the 14th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide in July 2009, Serbian neo-fascists came to Srebrenica, spat and urinated onto the flag of Bosnia-Herzegovina, verbally insulted Bosniak returnees, and glorifed war criminals: Serbian NAZI collaborator Draza Mihailovic and genocidal Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic. Three beautiful Bosniak girls - Sedina Hasanovic, Dzeneta Nalic, Melisa Smajic - courageously confronted the Chetniks reminding them This is Bosnia!
After the war, Bosnia has experienced a resurrection of Serbian neo-fascism, especially around Srebrenica. Serbian Chetniks, inspired by their ideological icon - Nazi collaborator Draza Mihailovic - continue to provide fertile ground for a new conflict. During the 14th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide in July 2009, Serbian neo-fascists came to Srebrenica, spat and urinated onto the flag of Bosnia-Herzegovina, verbally insulted Bosniak returnees, and glorifed war criminals: Serbian NAZI collaborator Draza Mihailovic and genocidal Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic. Three beautiful Bosniak girls - Sedina Hasanovic, Dzeneta Nalic, Melisa Smajic - courageously confronted the Chetniks reminding them This is Bosnia!

Chetniks in Srebrenica during the 14th anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide. Serbian extremists spat and urinated onto the flag of Bosnia-Herzegovina, verbally insulted Bosniak returnees, and glorifed war criminals.

Chetniks in Srebrenica during the 14th anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide. Serbian extremists spat and urinated onto the flag of Bosnia-Herzegovina, verbally insulted Bosniak returnees, and glorifed war criminals.

On 13 March 2010, the Hague Tribunal granted early release from prison to Serbian Chetnik Mitar Vasiljevic, who according to eye-witnesses burned Bosniak women and children alive in Visegrad. A group of Chetniks welcomed his release and organized a welcome party with trumpet players from Serbia (see photo above and below).

Then, on 14 March 2010, Serbian Chetniks organized a new meeting around Srebrenica, in a neighbouring municipality (district) of Visegrad. The meeting was held in a village of Urdulje, which recently changed its name to "Draževina" in honor of World War II Serbian fascist and Nazi collaborator Draza Mihajlovic. Here are some photos from the latest Serbian neo-fascist meeting. Serbian Orthodox Church regularly participates in these meetings and cultivates the appreciation of neo-fascist Nazi ideology among the Serbian people.

PHOTO: You're looking at Christian terrorists in the heart of Europe. They're in Bosnia, around Srebrenica. Each year, they commemorate the anniversary of death of their ideological leader, Draza Mihailovic - WWII Nazi collaborator and a commander of Chetnik killing squads in Bosnia. Serbian Orthodox Church ("Srpska Pravoslavna Crkva") is the chief driver behind the Christian terrorist movement in Bosnia.
PHOTO: Serbian Nazi fascists participate in the revival of Serbia's nazi past. Each year, they commemorate the anniversary Draza Mihailovic, WWII Nazi collaborator and a commander of Chetnik killing squads in Bosnia. Serbian Orthodox Church ("Srpska Pravoslavna Crkva") is the chief driver behind the Christian terrorist movement in Bosnia.

PHOTO: Serbian Orthodox Church under swastika. Serbian Nazi fascists participate in the revival of Serbia's nazi past. Each year, they commemorate the anniversary Draza Mihailovic, WWII Nazi collaborator and a commander of Chetnik killing squads in Bosnia. Serbian Orthodox Church ("Srpska Pravoslavna Crkva") is the chief driver behind the Christian terrorism and Christian extremism in Bosnia.

PHOTO: Serbian Nazi fascists participate in the revival of Serbia's nazi past. Each year, they commemorate the anniversary of Draza Mihajlovic, WWII Nazi collaborator and a commander of Chetnik killing squads in Bosnia.

PHOTO: Serbian Nazi fascists participate in the revival of Serbia's nazi past. Each year, they commemorate the anniversary of Draza Mihailovic, WWII Nazi collaborator and a commander of Chetnik killing squads in Bosnia.

PHOTO: Serbian fascists from Prijedor, Motajica (mountain near the town of Derventa), Prnjavor, and other towns in Bosnia-Herzegovina, came to Visegrad's village Urdulje to participate in the Chetnik commemoration of Nazi collaborator Draza Mihajlovic.

PHOTO: Serbian fascists from Prijedor, Motajica (mountain near the town of Derventa), Prnjavor, and other towns in Bosnia-Herzegovina, came to Visegrad's village Urdulje to particpate in the Chetnik commemoration of Nazi collaborator Draza Mihajlovic.

PHOTO: Serbian Orthodox Church ("Srpska Pravoslavna Crkva") is the chief driver behind the Christian terrrorist movement in Bosnia. As seen on the photo above, the Christian terrorists, members of the Serbian neo-fascist Chetnik movement "Ravnogorski Cetnicki Pokret" celebrate Nazi collaborator Draza Mihailovic.

PHOTO: Christian terrorists, members of the Serbian neo-fascist Chetnick movement "Ravnogorski Cetnicki Pokret" celebrate Nazi collaborator Draza Mihailovic. Chetnik extremists also bring children to participate in hate-inspired meetings.

PHOTO: Christian terrorists, members of the Serbian neo-fascist Chetnick movement "Ravnogorski Cetnicki Pokret" celebrate Nazi collaborator Draza Mihailovic.
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