It is clear who the perpetrators and who the victims were during the Bosnian war. To put things into perspective: During the war, not even one Serb city was under the siege by Bosniak forces; in fact, majority of Serb civilian casualties were killed by the Serbian army commanded by Gen. Ratko Mladic in the process of sniping and shelling multiethnic Bosnian cities like Sarajevo and Tuzla. Serb people and Serb culture were not deliberately targeted for ethnic cleansing, rape, siege, shelling, and destruction in Bosnia; it was the Serb project of “Greater Serbia”, modeled on a Nazi policy of ethnic purification, that inflicted tremendous suffering on the Bosniak people between 1992 and 1995.
See some of the pictures from the Bosnian Genocide and judge them for yourself. It was Genocide in Bosnia:
Bosniak civilians in Serb-run Trnopolje concentration camp in August 1992. Credits: RON HAVIV, Blood & Honey |
The Bosnian War was an international armed conflict that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina between April 1992 and December 1995. The war involved several sides. The main belligerents were the forces of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and those of the self-proclaimed Bosnian Serb and Bosnian Croat entities within Bosnia and Herzegovina -- 'Republika Srpska' and 'Herzeg-Bosnia'. Both 'para-states' enjoyed substantial political and military backing (overall control) from Serbia and Croatia respectively. NATO was involved in air-strikes against the Serbs.
The Hague Tribunal: The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal at the Hague proved -- at least five times -- that the Bosnian war was NOT a 'civil war' but an international armed conflict involving Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, and NATO.
The entrance to the Manjaca concentration camp reads in cyrillic letters “CONCENTRATION CAMP – PROHIBITED ENTRY.” Thousands of civilians, mostly Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) were tortured in Serb-run camps like this one. Prior to announced visit of the international media in August of 1992, Serb guards relocated hundreds of emaciated and badly beaten prisoners to other locations. Photo courtesy: The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). |
There are four legally validated genocides that occurred in Bosnia-Herzegovina, other than Srebrenica. The Bosnian Genocide is the event referring to brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing of at least 500,000 Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) coupled with the killings of 65,000 to 75,000 Bosniaks during the 1992-95 war of Serbian aggression.
Srebrenica massacre: Budak mass grave, Kamenica 9, where some of 8,372 Srebrenica genocide victims had been dumped after systematic killings in July 1995. Photo exhibit courtesy: The Hague Tribunal (ICTY). |
Srebrenica massacre: Budak mass grave, Kamenica 9, where some of 8,372 Srebrenica genocide victims had been dumped after systematic killings in July 1995. Photo exhibit courtesy: The Hague Tribunal (ICTY). |
Srebrenica massacre: Budak mass grave, Kamenica 9, where some of 8,372 Srebrenica genocide victims had been dumped after systematic killings in July 1995. Photo exhibit courtesy: The Hague Tribunal (ICTY). |
Srebrenica massacre: Budak mass grave, Kamenica 9, where some of 8,372 Srebrenica genocide victims had been dumped after systematic killings in July 1995. Photo exhibit courtesy: The Hague Tribunal (ICTY). |
Srebrenica massacre: Budak mass grave, Kamenica 9, where some of 8,372 Srebrenica genocide victims had been dumped after systematic killings in July 1995. Photo exhibit courtesy: The Hague Tribunal (ICTY). |
Srebrenica massacre: Budak mass grave, Kamenica 9, where some of 8,372 Srebrenica genocide victims had been dumped after systematic killings in July 1995. Photo exhibit courtesy: The Hague Tribunal (ICTY). |
Srebrenica massacre: Budak mass grave, Kamenica 9, where some of 8,372 Srebrenica genocide victims had been dumped after systematic killings in July 1995. Photo exhibit courtesy: The Hague Tribunal (ICTY). |
Srebrenica massacre: Budak mass grave, Kamenica 9, where some of 8,372 Srebrenica genocide victims had been dumped after systematic killings in July 1995. Photo exhibit courtesy: The Hague Tribunal (ICTY). |
Srebrenica massacre: Budak mass grave, Kamenica 9, where some of 8,372 Srebrenica genocide victims had been dumped after systematic killings in July 1995. Photo exhibit courtesy: The Hague Tribunal (ICTY). |
Srebrenica massacre: Budak mass grave, Kamenica 9, where some of 8,372 Srebrenica genocide victims had been dumped after systematic killings in July 1995. Photo exhibit courtesy: The Hague Tribunal (ICTY). |
Srebrenica massacre: Budak mass grave, Kamenica 9, where some of 8,372 Srebrenica genocide victims had been dumped after systematic killings in July 1995. Photo exhibit courtesy: The Hague Tribunal (ICTY). |
Srebrenica massacre: Budak mass grave, Kamenica 9, where some of 8,372 Srebrenica genocide victims had been dumped after systematic killings in July 1995. Photo exhibit courtesy: The Hague Tribunal (ICTY). |
Bijeljina Massacre: On 31 March 1992, Serbian paramilitary group, led by Zeljko Raznjatovic (ARKAN), slaughtered hundreds of Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) civilians - women, children, and elderly men - in the town of Bijeljina in northeastern Bosnia, near the border with Serbia. Photographer: Ron Haviv |
Bijeljina Massacre: On 31 March 1992, Serbian paramilitary group, led by Zeljko Raznjatovic (ARKAN), slaughtered hundreds of Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) civilians - women, children, and elderly men - in the town of Bijeljina in northeastern Bosnia, near the border with Serbia. Photographer: Ron Haviv |
Bijeljina Massacre: On 31 March 1992, Serbian paramilitary group, led by Zeljko Raznjatovic (ARKAN), slaughtered hundreds of Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) civilians - women, children, and elderly men - in the town of Bijeljina in northeastern Bosnia, near the border with Serbia. Photographer: Ron Haviv |
Bijeljina Massacre: On 31 March 1992, Serbian paramilitary group, led by Zeljko Raznjatovic (ARKAN), slaughtered hundreds of Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) civilians - women, children, and elderly men - in the town of Bijeljina in northeastern Bosnia, near the border with Serbia. Photographer: Ron Haviv |
Emaciated prisoner in the Serb-run Trnopolje concentration camp near Prijedor, Bosnia, in August of 1992. Thousands of civilians, mostly Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslms), were tortured and killed there. Photographer: Pascal Le Segretain |
Manjaca concentration camp near Prijedor, north-west Bosnia in August of 1992. Thousands of civilians, mostly Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) were tortured and killed there. Photographer: Isabel Ellsen |
Emaciated and tortured prisoners in the Manjaca concentration camp near Prijedor, north-west Bosnia in August 1992. Thousands of civilians, mostly Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) were tortured and killed there. Photographer: Patrick Robert |
Manjaca concentration camp near Prijedor, north-west Bosnia in August 1992. Thousands of civilians, mostly Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) were tortured and killed there. Photographer: Patrick Robert |
Manjaca concentration camp near Prijedor, north-west Bosnia in August 1992. Thousands of civilians, mostly Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) were tortured and killed there. Photographer: Patrick Robert |
Bosnian Genocide, August 1992. Sign (visible from Center to Left) written in cyrillic letters reads MINES. Manjaca concentration camp near Prijedor, north-west Bosnia. The camp was surrounded by mines to prevent escape of prisoners. Thousands of civilians, mostly Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) were tortured and killed there. Photographer: Patrick Robert |
Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) civilians the notorious Serb-run Manjaca concentration camp in north-west Bosnia, near Prijedor, in August of 1992, during the Bosnian Genocide. |
Tortured, beaten, and emaciated Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) men in the Trnopolje concentration camp near Prijedor, north-west Bosnia, during the Bosnian Genocide. |
BBC TV crew speaks with emaciated Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) man in the Trnopolje concentration camp. Serb authorities allowed TV crew to enter the camp after international pressure mounted. Badly emaciated prisoners were removed from the camp, but Dr. Idriz Merdzanic managed to smuggle some photos of brutal beatings and abuse in the camp, which we will show beginning from the next photo. |
Emaciated and visibly weak Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) man in the Trnopolje concentration camp in August of 1992 at the start of the Bosnian Genocide. |
Covert photographs of the Trnopolje concentration camp during the Bosnian Genocide in 1992. Images were covertly submitted to the British TV Crew (BBC) by Dr. Idriz Merdzanic in August of 1992. |
Covert photographs of the Trnopolje concentration camp during the Bosnian Genocide in 1992. Images were covertly submitted to the British TV Crew (BBC) by Dr. Idriz Merdzanic in August of 1992. |
Covert photographs of the Trnopolje concentration camp during the Bosnian Genocide in 1992. Images were covertly submitted to the British TV Crew (BBC) by Dr. Idriz Merdzanic in August of 1992. |
Covert photographs of the Trnopolje concentration camp during the Bosnian Genocide in 1992. Images were covertly submitted to the British TV Crew (BBC) by Dr. Idriz Merdzanic in August of 1992. |
Brcko massacre: A sequence of photographs showing murders of Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) civilians by local Serb police officer Goran Jelisic. Jelisic was apprehended by a Team of US Navy SEALs (as a NATO SFOR Team) in January 1998. He was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment. More than 3,000 Bosniak residents were slaughtered by Serbs in and around Brcko during the 1992 Bosnian genocide. |
Brcko massacre: A sequence of photographs showing murders of Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) civilians by local Serb police officer Goran Jelisic. Jelisic was apprehended by a Team of US Navy SEALs (as a NATO SFOR Team) in January 1998. He was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment. More than 3,000 Bosniak residents were slaughtered by Serbs in and around Brcko during the 1992 Bosnian genocide. |
Brcko massacre: A sequence of photographs showing murders of Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) civilians by local Serb police officer Goran Jelisic. Jelisic was apprehended by a Team of US Navy SEALs (as a NATO SFOR Team) in January 1998. He was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment. More than 3,000 Bosniak residents were slaughtered by Serbs in and around Brcko during the 1992 Bosnian genocide. |
Brcko massacre: A sequence of photographs showing murders of Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) civilians by local Serb police officer Goran Jelisic. Jelisic was apprehended by a Team of US Navy SEALs (as a NATO SFOR Team) in January 1998. He was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment. More than 3,000 Bosniak residents were slaughtered by Serbs in and around Brcko during the 1992 Bosnian genocide. |
Brcko massacre: A sequence of photographs showing murders of Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) civilians by local Serb police officer Goran Jelisic. Jelisic was apprehended by a Team of US Navy SEALs (as a NATO SFOR Team) in January 1998. He was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment. More than 3,000 Bosniak residents were slaughtered by Serbs in and around Brcko during the 1992 Bosnian genocide. |
Brcko massacre: A sequence of photographs showing murders of Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) civilians by local Serb police officer Goran Jelisic. Jelisic was apprehended by a Team of US Navy SEALs (as a NATO SFOR Team) in January 1998. He was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment. More than 3,000 Bosniak residents were slaughtered by Serbs in and around Brcko during the 1992 Bosnian genocide. |
Brcko massacre: A sequence of photographs showing murders of Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) civilians by local Serb police officer Goran Jelisic. Jelisic was apprehended by a Team of US Navy SEALs (as a NATO SFOR Team) in January 1998. He was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment. More than 3,000 Bosniak residents were slaughtered by Serbs in and around Brcko during the 1992 Bosnian genocide. |
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