A Belgrade publicist, Zoran Janic, recently wrote and correctly observed that: "The German railways publicly apologized to the Jews because their trains were used for their transport to the concentration camps. What should we do in Serbia, half a century [after the Holocaust], where there has been no apology and we know that the buses with which Srebrenica [Bosniaks] were transported to the execution site were all from Serbia?"
Click on satellite photos for higher resolution. Here we go:

Satellite Image 1: Aerial view taken on 13 July 1995 showing a large group of Bosniak prisoners from Srebrenica awaiting execution. Buses used to transport the Bosniaks to the execution sites are clearly visible.

Satellite Image 2: Aerial view taken on 13 July 1995 showing a large group of Bosniak prisoners awaiting execution at Nova Kasaba soccer field. If you look carefully, you will notice several buses parked along the road.

Satellite Image 3: Aerial view taken on 27 July 1995 showing disturbed earth at Nova Kasaba, an execution site.

Satellite Image 4: Aerial view of Branjevo Farm and markings showing where prisoners were executed.

Satellite Image 5: Aerial view of Branjevo Farm and mass graves before the excavation.

Satellite Image 6: Aerial view of Branjevo Farm, excavation activity in late September 1995. Bosnian Serbs first buried the bodies of the Srebrenica massacre victims near the execution sites, but then dug out many of them with bulldozers and reburied remains in secondary mass graves in an attempt to hide the crime.

Satellite Image 7: Aerial view of disturbed earth at Glogova taken on 17 July 1995.

Image 8: (Aftermath of the Srebrenica massacre) Make sure to click on this photo for a finer detail. Exhumation site shows mounds of bodies in the Cancari Valley.

Image 9: (Aftermath of the Srebrenica massacre) A mass grave at Nova Kasaba, taken during initial probe of site, showing body with hands tied behind back.

Image 10: (Aftermath of the Srebrenica massacre) Body of the Srebrenica massacre victim recovered from exhumation site clearly shows blindfold and arms tied behind the back.
Srebrenica 1992-95 (quick facts) -- From 1992-1995 Serbs from heavily militarized villages around Srebrenica had forced thousands of Bosniak refugees to live in the Srebrenica ghetto with little or no means of survival. Serb Army stationed around Srebrenica never demilitarized, even though they were required to do so under the 1993 demilitarization agreements.
Furthermore, Serbs around Srebrenica constantly attacked neighbouring Bosniak villages, frequently bombarding them from air and with Serbian airplanes. More than 400 Bosnian Muslim villages were destroyed around Srebrenica in 1992. During the same year, Serbs killed at least 11,000 Bosniaks killed in Podrinje (region encompasing Srebrenica). All these crimes against Bosnian Muslim civilians took place three years before the Srebrenica genocide.
In July 1995 the Bosnian Serb army staged a brutal takeover of Srebrenica and its surrounding area, where they proceeded to perpetrate genocide. Bosnian Serb soldiers and paramilitary thugs, both groups commonly known as "Chetniks," separated Bosniak families, forcibly expelled 30,000 Bosniaks, and summarily executed at least 8,372 Bosnian Muslims - boys, men, and the elderly. Srebrenica genocide is remembered the worst atrocity in Europe since World War II.
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