Quick intro: We learn from several Srebrenica massacre survivors that Ibran Mustafic was suspected of spying for the Serbs in the war-torn Srebrenica. He allegedly had close ties with Radovan Karadzic's leadership and was in constant touch with Momcilo Krajisnik - one of key members of Karadzic's political cabinet. The so called NGO "Mothers of Srebrenica and Podrinje" was formed by Mustafic himself for the purpose of promoting his book; the NGO was comprised of only two people... ↓
Book: Planirani Haos 1990-1996 / Planned Chaos: 1990-1996
Author: Ibran Mustafic
Reviewed by: Srebrenica Genocide BlogThe prevailing theme of Ibran Mustafic's book "Planirani Haos" (Planned Chaos) rests on a theory that the former president of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Alija Izetbegovic, conspired to sacrifice Srebrenica for the purpose of forcing NATO intervention and exchanging Srebrenica for the Serb-held territory around Sarajevo, e.g. Vogosca.
In an emotionally charged diatribe, Mustafic accuses Izetbegovic of working in the interests of the Serbs. Izetbegovic's goal, according to Mustafic, was the destruction of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina and this plan could only be achieved with the division of B&H, and that's exactly what Izetbegovic did. Therefore, Mustafic refers to Izetbegovic as a "gravedigger" of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Sounds familiar?
These kinds of allegations play well into the hands of Serbian ultranationalists who tirelessly seek new conspiracy theories to enhance their genocide denial skills - or to pin the blame for the massacre to somebody else. The entire book can be summarized in one sentence, which - in the words of Ibran Mustafic - looks like this, quote:
"Alija nd SDA [Party for Democratic Action] is a traitor and a throat-cutter of his own people in Srebrenica; he is no different than[Radovan] Karadzic, [Slobodan] Milosevic and [Ratko] Mladic, but the only difference is that we never expected anything better from them."
Ibran Mustafic blames Naser Oric for (counter)-attacking Serb forces around Srebrenica and thus far provoking Chetniks (as he calls them) to attack back. He correctly states that the Bosniaks armed themselves in Srebrenica; however, this was a fully legitimate defense strategy since the heavily armed Serb forces around Srebrenica refused to demilitarize. The Bosnian Government had entered into demilitarization agreements with the Bosnian Serbs in 1993. According to the Agreement, the Serbs should withdraw their heavy weapons before the Bosniaks gave up their weapons (see here). The Serbs refused to demilitarize.
The Serbs side never honored anything they signed with respect to the demilitarization agreements. Instead of demilitarizing around the Srebrenica enclave, Serb military and paramilitary troops continued arming themselves and using surrounding Serb villages as bases from which they launched attacks on neighboring Bosniak villages and the town of Srebrenica. Bosniak side was, therefore, unwilling to fully demilitarize.
Hearsay against Naser Oric
Serbian ultra-nationalist sources repeatedly cite Ibran Mustafic's book as an evidence of alleged war crimes perpetrated by Naser Oric against heavily armed Serbian thugs and gangs in villages around Srebrenica. However, Mustafic himself never witnessed Oric committing any crimes, but "heard it from other people."
For example, Mustafic's description of the murder of Slobodan Ilic, former Srebrenica judge who participated in the Chetnik attacks on Bosniak civilians in the area, is a second hand account that Mustafic "heard" from other people. Slobodan Ilic was apparently taken prisoner of war when Oric forces counter-attacked heavily armed Chetnik village of Zalazje. Serbs kept heavy artillery in Zalazje and shelled Srebrenica on a daily basis killing Muslim women and children. Serbs murdered more than 11,000 Bosniak civilians in Podrinje in 1992, three years before the genocide. Since Mustafic never witnessed any of Oric's alleged crimes, all these allegations fall into "he said, she said" category or hearsay. Same goes for Mustafic's second hand allegations that Oric killed Serb civilians Rada Milanovic, Andjelija and Mihajlo Stjepanovic, and Krsto and Velinka Dimitrovski. Even if he killed them, it's unfortunate, but why make such a big deal for five Serb casualties, when Serbs killed more than 11,000 Bosnian Muslim civilians in Podrinje in 1992 - three years before the genocide? Is one Serb life more worth than a thousand Bosniak lives? In order to justify Srebrenica genocide, Serbian propaganda - under the leadership of a right-wing nationalist Milivoje Ivanisevic - claimed that over 3,000 Serb civilians died around Srebrenica. The Hague Tribunal, Human Rights Watch, and the Research and Documentation Center all disagree with these grossly inflated numbers of Serbian casualties, read here.
Bill Clinton and "5000 Muslims"
In his book, Ibran Mustafic alleges thatAlija Izetbegovic told him about Bill Clinton's readiness to secure military intervention if Serbs capture Srebrenica and execute 5,000 people. Allegedly, Izetbegovic said:
"You know, I was offered by Clinton in April 1993 that the Chetnik forces enter Srebrenica, carry out a slaughter of 5,000 Muslims, and then there will be a military intervention."
Ibran Mustafic - Serbian agent?
We learn from several Srebrenica massacre survivors that Ibran Mustafic was suspected of spying for the Serbs in the war torn Srebrenica. One of his main assignments was to destabilize political situation in the Enclave. He allegedly had close ties with Radovan Karadzic's leadership and was in frequent contact with Momcilo Krajisnik - one of key Serb politicians in Karadzic's genocidal quazi-government. Mustafic survived three assassination attempts in Srebrenica.
Hakija Meholjic, former president of SDP [Social Democratic Party] for Srebrenica expressed some serious reservations about Mustafic in a 1998 interview he gave to Dani magazine. This is what he said:
"As a deputy of the SDA Ibran was a 'hawk' in the prewar assembly. He was not in Srebrenica in the beginning of the war because he was in Sarajevo. When we advanced well, despite all our internal disputes, suddenly Ibran came, somewhere from the woods.... Then he started spreading stories that our army was not good, so bit by bit there was a split among the soldiers. He wanted power again, so the SDA split into two camps. One evening someone attacked him, [and his associates] Hamed Salihovic and Hamed Efendic. Salihovic was killed then. Ibran was wounded and transported to the hospital. I was the police chief then and we wanted to carry out an inquiry. But Ibran and Hamed, as eye-witnesses, did not want to give a statement. Then there was a session of the municipal assembly at which Ibran asked to be given a radio set to talk to Momcilo Krajisnik so that Krajisnik could take him out of Srebrenica. Naturally, he was not allowed to do that. I connected these facts only later. Ibran came to 'wreck' Srebrenica while we advanced as that did not suit someone's plan, and I assume that was the SDA's plan. When Srebrenica fell he went straight to Potocari instead of going with all of us through the forest. It is difficult to explain how he managed to get out while the others were killed. Later he gave statements in Bijeljina that we killed one another. Many people who did not have any clue as to what the SDA was were killed, yet he went out and arrived in Sarajevo."
Ibran Mustafic is also a member of a radical and underground Bosniak organization called "Bosanski Kongres" [Bosnian Congress]. This organization should NEVER be confused with the Congress of North American Bosniaks - an umbrella organization lobbying for the interests of the Bosniaks living in the USA and Canada.
The underground organization is headed by Dr. Muhamed Borogovac and like-minded individuals/supporters who consider the former moderate B&H president Alija Izetbegovic "a traitor" and "Chetnik." They also claim to have a 'proof' that Izetbegovic declared himself an ethnic Serb. They charge Izetbegovic of betraying the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina because he signed the Dayton Agreement, which effectively brought peace to Bosnia, but split the country into two administrative regions. Members of this organization communicate via newsletters with more than 34,000 subscribers. They also favorably reviewed and heavily promoted Mustafic's book "Planned Chaos" as a testament that Izetbegovic was just an "extended hand of Milosevic." They consider Republika Srpska to be genocidal creation [which is true], because it was built on the widespread killings, torture, ethnic cleansing and genocide against Bosniaks.
Calling for more violence
At the 10th anniversary commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide, Ibran Mustafic, came uninvited to disrupt the memorial proceedings. He took the microphone and shouted: "Long live Bosnia and Herzegovina! Death to all genocidal creations on this territory!" The survivors of the massacre were outraged. They asked him to stop calling for a new bloodshed and to leave the Srebrenica Genocide Memorial immediately. Although some people attempted to escort him from the memorial, he refused to leave, but was prevented from speaking.
Also recommended to read:
1. Horrors of the Holocaust and Srebrenica Live On
2. PHOTOS: Massacre of Bosniaks children in villages around Srebrenica
3. DOCUMENTARY: Lost Images of Srebrenica Genocide (29 minutes)
4. Militarized Serb villages around Srebrenica
5. Falsification of history and grossly inflated Serb casulaties around Srebrenica
6. Judge Theodor Meron: 40,000 Srebrenica Bosniaks Targeted for Extinction
7. Srebrenica Genocide Facts by the U.N. Tribunal
8. VIDEOS: United States Holocaust Museum - Srebrenica Genocide
9. DNA analysis supports an estimate of 8,100 victims of the Srebrenica genocide
10. Preliminary list of murdered children in the Srebrenica genocide
11. Srebrenica women were NOT spared: #1 read this and then #2 read this.
12. Bosnian Genocide - yes, it did happen. Take a look at a list of genocide judgments.
13. Serbs were required to demilitarized, but they NEVER demilitarized around Srebrenica
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