Published: April 5th, 2006. / Last updated: Dec 21, 2008.
Bosniak woman says the person in this video is her son Mustafa Hadzipasic, not Serb soldier Rade Rogic.

In order to equalize individual war crimes against Bosnian Serbs with the monstrous crime of genocide against Bosniaks, Serbianna is also circulating gruesome photos allegedly representing Serb 'victims' around Srebrenica. Conflicting photo descriptions place these victims in different parts of Bosnia, but Serbianna is conveniently using these images in their Srebrenica Genocide justification section called "Srebrenica Massacre: Photo Story." Some photos provided by Serbianna are clearly doctored, for example, fake photo of Pero Makic. Take a look at a sample photo forgery found on Serbianna's web site at this link (click on the photo for higher resolution) and follow red arrows.
What Serbianna does not want you to know is that former Chief of Intelligence of the Serb Army, Ljubisa Beara, personally participated in the decapitation of 80 to 100 Bosniaks in Srebrenica (see: Ammended Indictment).
The video publication of alleged Rade Rogic beheading, which had nothing to do with Srebrenica, came a week after Serbian TV broadcast a video of Serb paramilitaries executing 6 defenceless Bosniak men and underage boys in Srebrenica 10 years ago. Now, "Rade Rogic beheading video" is used by Serbian ultra-nationalists as another tool in the service of "Greater Serbia" propaganda to justify and/or deny Srebrenica Genocide.
Other videos available in the section of "Srebrenica Massacre: Photo Story" have a very bad quality, and they also appear to be coming from questionable sources, like Milivoje Ivanisevic and Darko Trifunovic - one of the most vocal Srebrenica Genocide deniers in the Balkans. Any type of material that comes from Serbian ultra-nationalist sources is tainted and has to be treated with utmost suspicion. These people have absolutely no credibility; they have lost it when they started denying Srebrenica Genocide and excusing massive Serb war crimes in the Balkans.
The website (Serbianna) also alleges that thousands of Serbs were killed by Naser Oric's forces around Srebrenica, a claim disputed even by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (read here). Approximately 1,980 Serb civilians died in all of Bosnia (SOURCE: RDC, figure published on Dec 15, 2005, subject to revisions) many of them died from Bosnian Serb shells hitting besieged government-controlled cities. However, many Serbs served (and died) in the Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina defending values of Bosnian multi-culturalism, freedom and democracy. Former president of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Alija Izetbegovic, once said that as many as 15% of all Bosnian Army soldiers were in fact Bosnian Serbs.
Serbianna's propaganda material contained within "Srebrenica Massacre: Photo Story" suggests that Srebrenica massacre was justified, because Bosniaks put up a defence against genocidal Serbian thugs who brutally attacked predominantly Bosniak part of Bosnia. What Serbianna does not mention is the fact that long before Naser Oric counter-attacked genocidal Serb forces around Srebrenica, Serbs killed thousands of Bosniaks in the Podrinje region and ethnically cleansed 90 per cent of predominantly ethnic-Bosniak Eastern part of Bosnia.
One might wonder, what did these Serbian and Bosnian Serb military forces do in predominanly Bosniak inhabitted Eastern Bosnia? They had no business of being there in the first place! They were brutally raping, killing, torturing, and ethnically cleansing Bosnian Muslim population, and grabbing predominantly Bosniak territory for a planned and enlarged "Greater Serbia." Serb forces around Srebrenica had never demilitarized. And yet, Serbian propaganda and Srebrenica massacre revisionists constantly blamed Bosnian side for not fully demilitarizing. In fact, Bosnian side was the only one who satisfactorily demilitarized by the UN standards as already stated by the United Nations Report. Serbs never honored their part of agreement and never handed down their weapons around Srebrenica, because they did not want Srebrenica demilitarized. They wanted Srebrenica ethnically cleansed and in their hands as part of "Greater Serbia." Instead of handing down weapons to the U.N. and thus demilitarizing, they used the weapons to committ Srebrenica Genocide.
Three days ago we received an e-mail from Husnija Hadzipasic (Bosniak woman). She asked me to publish a story about her son who was beheaded by Serbian military forces in Bosnia. In a telephone conversation, she claimed the video of her son's beheading is still freely available all over the internet, only under a different name (Serbian name). This video is freely used solely for Serb-propaganda purposes portraying her son as a "Serb soldier Rade Rogic" who got "decapitated by Muslims" around Srebrenica.
Husnija told us she positively identified the person in this video as her son Mustafa Hadzipasic, Bosnian soldier ambushed by Serbian (para) militaries during operation Sanski Most in 1995. Mustafa Hadzipasic was native of Buzim (close to Velika Kladusa in the western tip of Bosnia). He served in the 5th corps of Bosnian Army, 505th Buzim brigade during operation Sanski Most. Upon retreat (and defeat) of Serb forces in that area, he was captured by Serb military forces who shot propaganda video posing as "mujahedeens." Serbian paramilitary thugs in the video, posing as mujahedeens, have distinct Serbian accent that is easily recognizable by any native speaker of the area.
Husnija Hadzipasic, mother of Mustafa Hadzipasic, wrote to us 3 days ago. She asked us to publish this message:
We edited Husnija's phone # and E-mail address due to privacy concerns, but if you want to contact her, you can e-mail us and we will pass her your message.Ess-selamu-alaykum,
My name is Husnija Hadzipasic. I need to tell this truth to the world. Serbs circulate video of my son being slaughtered. They say his name is Rade Rogic. That is not true. I have viewed the video hundred times and every time I cried. People who knew my son also viewed video over and over again. We are absolutely certain that the person
beheaded in this video is Mustafa Hadzipasic. Now that we know what Serbs did to our son, we will go to Bosnia next month to look for his grave. Please publish this information on your site.
Mustafa was born in Buzim on July 2, 1968. His father is IsmetHadzipasic, who died of heart attack last yearBoth Mustafa and Ismet served in the 5th corps of Bosnian Army, 505th Buzim brigade. Mustafa was survived by two daughters, Alma and Emina.
We give you permission to publish this information. If you want more information, you can call us at (phone # edited).
Allahumanet (Peace be with you)
Husnija Hadzipasic
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