HATRED INSPIRED CELEBRATIONS: Local Serbs who attacked and destroyed hundreds of Bosnian Muslim villages around Srebrenica and in Podrinje from 1992-1995, and those among them who participated in the Srebrenica genocide, now celebrate July 11th as a 'PARTY TIME.'
While family and friends of the Srebrenica genocide victims spend time grieving and burying more than 500 DNA-identified victims this July 11th, Serbs in the nearby Ljubovija Municipality will celebrate "Drinska Regatta" along the River Drina, reports Sarajevo Daily Dnevni Avaz.PHOTO: A poster in Bratunac calling on all local Serbs to throw a party on the day of Srebrenica Genocide, 11 July 2009. Bratunac was a town with pre-war Bosnian Muslim ethnic majority. Now, it's ethnically cleansed town controlled by Serbs who organized numerous massacres against the local Bosniak population in 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1995.

"They never departed from Milosevic's policy. Criminals return to the place where they committed crime - this time not to grieve, but to celebrate genocide. And all this happens at the same time when the democratic world, throughout Europe, is honoring victims of the genocide in accordance with the European Parliament's Srebrenica Genocide Resolution... the resolution which proclaimed 11th of July as a Day of Commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide throughout the European Union (EU). At the same time, followers of Slobodan Milosevic will organized a party on the River Drina," said Hafizovic.

"This is a great shame and one more humiliation, among many humiliations that families of genocide victims and survivors have to go through. Serbs will rejoice in celebrations when we - mothers, and other people of conscious - cry? Obviously, they are still looking forward to the crimes they committed in 1995," said Munira Subasic, president of the Association "Mothers of Enclaves Srebrenica and Žepa."
PHOTO: Local Serbs use July 11th to mock the Srebrenica genocide victims and to party on the River Drina, where thousands of Bosnian Muslims have been slaughtered and dumped.
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