October 22nd, 2008
17:32 PM

"Something caused the cease-fire to break down and an explosion went off in the field, killing 62 children and wounding 152 others. Bekric was hit with shrapnel on the left side of his face, breaking his skull into 24 pieces," reported Tampa Bay Newspapers and included Sead Bekric's latest photo.
Sead Bekric was only 12 years old when he lost his eyes. According to People magazine's contemporary account, "On Sunday, April 11 [1993], the 12-year-old Muslim boy was playing soccer in the embattled Bosnian city of Srebrenica when a Serbian artillery shell exploded on the field, killing several of his friends. As Sead ran over to help, shrapnel from a second shell tore into his face, shattering his nose and left eye socket and severely injuring his right eye. He was left blind."
A few days later, Sead Bekric was transported from Srebrenica to Tuzla where photographer James Mason managed to take his photos and document this horrific crime. "As soldiers unloaded the injured, a CNN camera crew recorded an unnamed, bandaged and bloodied boy, accompanied by his mother and younger brother. The boy reached over to touch the smaller child's face, begging him to be brave."
"I am ready to live with my disability for the rest of my life. I am grateful that I am not one of those dead that were left on soccer field. I'm here to learn to adopt to the blindness. Learn a new life and deal as it is," said Sead Bekric (as quoted in Tampa Bay News).
/ 24 A. Yes. Later on when we tried to my sister and I tried to go back
/ 25 to Voljevica to gain food, there was fighter planes flying from Serbia
/ Page 9569
/ 1 area, from Bratunac area -- in Serbia from Bratunac, that direction, and
/ 2 other side of Drina going towards Bjelovac and bombing continuously that
/ 3 area. That was not a small planes that were bombing on the second day.
/ 4 That was fighter actual fighter planes.
/ 5 Q. So when did you see the fighter planes, what time of day?
/ 6 A. Mid-day probably noon or so, sometime that time, mid-day.
/ 7 Q. And is that on the same day, the second day as you're describing
/ 8 it?
/ 9 A. The second day when I saw those biplanes and those planes bombing
/ 10 I saw them but a few days after I tried to attempt to go to Voljevica I
/ 11 saw the mixed bombed area."
Related documents:
Partial list of Srebrenica Genocide child victims is located here (only covers period of July 1995).
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